whtiteinky's Profile

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Joined on: May 22, 2020


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I've submitted:
64 Ratings!
62 Reviews!
22 Screenshots!

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64 Games

GameDifficultyUser's Rating
SlimePark N/A 10.0
I wanna Brainfuck N/A 10.0
Fangame Patch Tools (gm8x_fix, DBGHELP.dll, melatonin) N/A 10.0
I wanna Freezemind 62.0 10.0
互相射 N/A 9.5
I wanna beat the mushcat N/A 9.0
I wanna Landslide 69.0 9.0
BONK: An Interactive Exposition 65.0 9.0
逃和避 N/A 8.5
I Wanna Rooms N/A 8.0
i wanna be the wahha creator for everyone N/A 8.0
Kokomi Kokomi Kokomi 25.0 8.0
A World of Seven Elements N/A 6.5
Mutang's UU Game 40.0 6.0
I Wanna Plunder N/A 6.0
DaYe?ZhuBi!? OttoThief! N/A 5.9
I Wanna Play Colorful Needle N/A 5.0
iwanna practise online(Eric) 30.0 4.0
I wanna kill the Cyan Silence 4 N/A 3.0
i wanna be child 30.0 2.0
海哥食雪 - I wanan be the greator 28.0 1.9
Fangame to ClownBeer N/A 1.0
i wanna enjoy the winter 40.0 1.0
想要,成为大明星! N/A 0.8
He's looking you 2.0 0.0
I wanna be an adult N/A 0.0
下右上 N/A N/A
果引擎 N/A N/A
纳兹琳 N/A N/A
哈基米 N/A N/A
大便王 N/A N/A
找自己 N/A N/A
源计划 N/A N/A
下雪了 N/A N/A
I wanna be the Zeus Remake N/A N/A
Maji Makers トゥー N/A N/A
I Wannannannannannanna N/A N/A
写作文 N/A N/A
开新车 N/A N/A
飞刺坑 N/A N/A
萝莉控 N/A N/A
I wanna be the solidification N/A N/A
Happy April Fool From FreeTrigger Users N/A N/A
超天酱 N/A N/A
I Wanna Take A Walk In The Sun 75.0 N/A
special N/A N/A
iwanna spian N/A N/A
Frankie Teardrop 5.0 N/A
I wanna be the best adventure N/A N/A
I wanna be the a deceiving character 40.0 N/A
game N/A N/A
I wanna kill the NyamiNyaru 2 98.0 N/A
secret 5 but awesome N/A N/A
I Wanna Use Sextant N/A N/A
跨性别 N/A N/A
创意跳脸耐久(无硅胶,简单抄) N/A N/A
你赢了 N/A N/A
万魔殿 N/A N/A
科幻片 N/A N/A
I Wanna Human Maniac 55.0 N/A
I Wanna Take A Nap N/A N/A
为什么 N/A N/A
I wanna Crash and Burn N/A N/A

62 Reviews

For: Maji Makers トゥー
R.I.P. 真岛茂树
1954.3.22 - 2024.5.23

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[8] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
May 23, 2024
For: Happy April Fool From FreeTrigger Users
April Fool's Day Game Making Speedrun Any%

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Tagged as: FreeTrigger_Users
[1] Like
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Apr 1, 2024
For: I wanna be the Zeus Remake
bro think it's a good idea to remake a game that he can't beat it
and even worse

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Tagged as: Impossible
[0] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Feb 27, 2024
For: 逃和避
this game is NOT a 三汉字 game.
Return to the game title after you beat the meme avoidance and you'll discover something new

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Tagged as: Avoidance
[1] Like
Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: N/A
Feb 27, 2024
For: I Wannannannannannanna
the link seems dead.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick
[1] Like
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Feb 21, 2024

7 Games

GameDifficultyAverage Rating# of Ratings
I wanna be the 15x15 38.6 6.4 13
I wanna beat mother love in a special way 60.0 6.8 2
I wanna beat the maze 10.0 7.1 7
I Wanna Human Maniac 50.8 8.0 20
I wanna play some hard needle in water! 50.8 2.8 4
I Wanna Take A Nap 10.0 3.9 4
I Wanna Use Sextant 76.1 8.3 14

196 Cleared Games

GameDifficultyUser's Rating
I wanna fa trap N/A N/A
I wanna be the 8possible(一般公開版) N/A N/A
I wanna be the 3200min N/A N/A
I wanna be the Animus N/A N/A
I wanna be the Beginners king N/A N/A
I wanna be the Chokochoko N/A N/A
I wanna be the Churatch N/A N/A
I wanna be the Curtail N/A N/A
I wanna be the Easy red spike N/A N/A
I wanna be the Experience N/A N/A
I wanna be the Flow N/A N/A
I wanna be the GGM N/A N/A
I wanna be the HeavenTrap2 N/A N/A
I wanna be the IWC N/A N/A
I wanna be the IWC2 N/A N/A
I wanna be the Justice easy ver N/A N/A
I wanna be the Little runner N/A N/A
I wanna be the LTI N/A N/A
I wanna be the MC N/A N/A
I wanna be the ORE TUEEEEE!!! N/A N/A
I wanna be the Perfection N/A N/A
I wanna be the PRD-MAX N/A N/A
I wanna be the PRD-MAX2 N/A N/A
I wanna be the Ten stitches N/A N/A
I wanna be the Trip N/A N/A
I wanna be the Very easy game N/A N/A
I wanna be the YAMRT N/A N/A
I wanna be the 超初心者!! N/A N/A
I wanna celebrate 100 N/A N/A
I wanna challenge 100 trials!! N/A N/A
I wanna conquer Many Traps!! N/A N/A
I wanna CQ N/A N/A
I wanna eat the Planet N/A N/A
I wanna enjoy the Festival N/A N/A
I wanna enjoy the Game N/A N/A
I wanna enjoy the Game2 N/A N/A
I wanna find my Name N/A N/A
I wanna N N/A N/A
I wanna play the Rubber Trap N/A N/A
I wanna practice the Game N/A N/A
I wanna present an Easy game with you! N/A N/A
I can't speak Loanwords! N/A N/A
I wanna be the ArioTrap N/A N/A
I wanna be the Fangame! N/A N/A
I wanna be the Neon N/A N/A
I wanna be the Wow N/A N/A
I wanna Bread N/A N/A
I wanna eat Sheep spike 2 N/A N/A
I wanna get Cultured N/A N/A
I wanna get the coolStar N/A N/A
I wanna kill the Kamilia N/A N/A
I wanna kill the Maker N/A N/A
I wanna stop the Stars N/A N/A
Not Another Needle Game N/A N/A
I wanna be the Dark Blue N/A N/A
I wanna be the Showdown N/A N/A
I Wanna be the GreeeeN N/A N/A
I Wanna Uhuhu Spike N/A N/A
I Wanna Uhuhu Spike 2 N/A N/A
I wanna conquer the blow game N/A N/A
I wanna be the Logarithmic N/A N/A
Boshy 2 N/A N/A
I wanna be the Blue needle N/A N/A
I wanna be the Green Moon N/A N/A
I wanna stop the MELTDOWN N/A N/A
I wanna be the Four seasons N/A N/A
I Wanna Graduate From DT N/A N/A
I Wanna Vanish Needles!! N/A N/A
I Wanna Escape the Mysterious House N/A N/A
I Wanna Be the Fortress Returns N/A N/A
I wanna escape from the Needle Land N/A N/A
I wanna go easy world N/A N/A
I wanna be with you N/A N/A
I Wanna 8-) N/A N/A
I Wanna Be Beginner Friendly N/A N/A
I Wanna Find A Test Player N/A N/A
Thanks for 2015!! N/A N/A
I wanna be the Emerald N/A N/A
I wanna eat Latiao N/A N/A
I Don't Wanna Be The TAS N/A N/A
I wanna be the Xylem N/A N/A
I wanna give present 一般公開用 N/A N/A
I wanna qoqoqo origin N/A N/A
I wanna you get through this game N/A N/A
I wanna be the GMO N/A N/A
I wanna walker N/A N/A
I wanna run the Marathon N/A N/A
I wanna Walk the Grassland N/A N/A
I destroy imagination Game of the needle N/A N/A
I wanna be the Qexercise N/A N/A
I Wanna Make the Marathon Needle N/A N/A
I wanna be the Lucien Needle N/A N/A
I wanna 15 cooking methods of AnChun N/A N/A
I wanna are accident N/A N/A
I wanna be a lovely memory N/A N/A
I wanna be the MOG N/A N/A
I wanna chase my dream N/A N/A
I wanna be the white kid N/A N/A
I wanna be the present for you N/A N/A
I wanna be the Kaenbyou N/A N/A
I wanna be the present for you 2 N/A N/A
I wanna be the Zoulv Needle N/A N/A
Thanks for 2014!! N/A N/A
I wanna enjoy Holy Christmas N/A N/A
I wanna be the Person who are Very Very Lucky N/A N/A
I wanna type well N/A N/A
EchoVision N/A N/A
I wanna eat the lemon N/A N/A
I wanna Arcfox 100 N/A N/A
I wanna enjoy the Galvanized Peppermint Dandy N/A N/A
I wanna be the Kaenbyou 2 N/A N/A
I wanna be the Kaenbyou 3 N/A N/A
I Wanna Enjoy the Stimulated Strawberry Lollipop Dandy N/A N/A
I wanna be the 120 dreams Easy N/A N/A
I wanna warp the worlds N/A N/A
Solnyshko N/A N/A
I wanna be the qiupi N/A N/A
I Wanna End My Growth N/A N/A
I wanna Kill the Sacred C3 2 N/A N/A
I wanna spread my wings N/A N/A
I wanna get a tree N/A N/A
I wanna be the rain[Ver.English] N/A N/A
I wanna bigger penis N/A N/A
I wanna fa trap 2 N/A N/A
I wanna reach the Moon N/A N/A
Thanks for 2017!! N/A N/A
A Minimal Adventure N/A N/A
I wanna enjoy my yellow shoes 2 N/A N/A
I wanna be the Graverobber N/A N/A
I wanna get Freedom N/A N/A
I Wanna Destroy the Needleverse Ez N/A N/A
Building Worlds Remix N/A N/A
I wanna kill the minesweepor N/A N/A
Thanks for I wanna!! N/A N/A
I wanna One Screen for Fun! N/A N/A
i wanna be the OMG N/A N/A
I wanna take the Departure N/A N/A
I wanna be the Poronkusema N/A N/A
I wanna Limitless N/A N/A
I wanna be the Nyx N/A N/A
I wanna kill the 2sweepor N/A N/A
Best bye to the silent present N/A N/A
I wanna stop the Simulation N/A N/A
I want N/A N/A
I wanna be the Neon 3 N/A N/A
I wanna Little Trap N/A N/A
I Wanna Buy a Nintendo DS Lite N/A N/A
Trail Set N/A N/A
うわっ!しまった!!アイワナだっ! N/A N/A
I Wanna Back to RETSU's 300 Pasts N/A N/A
3 Traps in 1 room N/A N/A
A I wanna N/A N/A
I hate this i wanna! N/A N/A
Level γ N/A N/A
Level β N/A N/A
Level α N/A N/A
I Wanna Go The Magic Needle N/A N/A
Do Morning Exercises N/A N/A
Designer L's Wacky Randventure! N/A N/A
I Wanna Kill The BLB 2: Nemesis Tamatou N/A N/A
I wanna travel the needle world N/A N/A
I wanna kill the 3sweepor N/A N/A
I wanna delete the Huge Bug N/A N/A
I wanna be the Tegliem N/A N/A
Sunny day N/A N/A
I wanna be the stunt 3 N/A N/A
I wanna defeat the R contents! N/A N/A
I wanna beat the maze N/A N/A
I wanna be the Orbit Trap N/A N/A
I wanna escape Endless Nightmare N/A N/A
I wanna play some hard needle in water! N/A N/A
Another Bad Game N/A N/A
Stars N/A N/A
I Wanna Take Off The Hardship N/A N/A
I wanna be the 15x15 N/A N/A
I Wanna Get The XP N/A N/A
I wanna go the Trap Way 3 N/A N/A
I Wanna Be Drawn N/A N/A
I wanna Olympic N/A N/A
I Wanna Be The Guy Remastered N/A N/A
Downer N/A N/A
I Wanna travel the needle world 2 N/A N/A
I Wanna Duloxetine N/A N/A
He's looking you 2.0 0.0
Father... N/A N/A
I Wanna Save the Ship N/A N/A
I Wanna Kill The Michael N/A N/A
I Wanna Escape Heavenly Host N/A N/A
I wanna gameover N/A N/A
Extreme Depths 2 N/A N/A
Kokomi Kokomi Kokomi 25.0 8.0
I wanna Freezemind 62.0 10.0
I wanna quit these 7 games N/A N/A
BONK: An Interactive Exposition 65.0 9.0
I Wanna Go For Another Ride N/A N/A